Tuesday, November 04, 2008

I'm saying nothing to jinx anything...

There have been pictures of The Boss shaking hands with the Obamas all over the media, and I flashed back to his shaking hands with John Kerry last time; and I remember 1992 in this country so well. So, no comment on today's really important event... I'm not going to be Tempting the Wrath of the Whatever from High Atop the Thing, as Aaron Sorkin put it so well in The West Wing's first election episode.

So just for a laugh, on a day when people seem to be going to be dealing with extraordinarily complicated voting forms, I'm going to let you see my Christmas knitting list. Names of recipients have been blocked off. And this was the state of it on Sunday night.

You ought to be able to embiggen it; but even if you can't, the number of empty boxes in there is enough to tell you that I'm Extraordinarily Behind Schedule...

So, at the moment:

Items needed, 18
Items cast on, 6
Items cast off, 4
Items finished, 3


I'm hoping to knock one off the list tonight - better get on with it. Not sure how late I'm staying up...


Mary deB said...

I am just picking out my knitting project to take to the TV watching event this evening. Sitting around with nothing to do but agonize about politics would be the end of me... And of course, although I'll be there just a few hours, and it is a short walk from my house, I am taking two choices, just in case. I already had to reject one plan because it would be too hard on my hands. Nice and easy, no charts, no funny business. Hmm, maybe I should stick in the stitch dictionary, just to be on the safe side.

It's a good thing I'm not in politics, I think. Sorry to blather on...

Juno said...

Hee. A few days before the election I said to a friend that Obama would win and she made me go outside, turn around three times widdershins ans spit. Because of the wrath of the whatever from high atop the thing.
Fortunately, it all seems to have worked out ok :)