Standing at the bus stop this evening in the fog (for a long, long time) I realised that it looked rather like a scene from Doctor Who. Wrong kind of phone box, but whatever... That's the actual parish pump on the right...

Then on the way home later, the cranes in the big hole to be known as the Grand Arcade had disappeared into the fog, but their light-trails hadn't... For Cambridge ex-pats, the big gap in the middle used to be the bus-station travel office and indeed the rest of the Bradwells Court arcade...
Nice fog!
I was so glad they took that building down, but aren't they rebuilding a rather similar one? And how is the Arcade coming? Poor Cambridge does have 2 rather ... unbeautiful... shopping centres, but maybe third time lucky!
Lovely, moody photos - particuarly like the phone box one...isn't fog great?!
How wonderfully murky and eerie everything looks.
You're right about the building, Mary - it'll look as outdated in 30 years as Bradwells Court did before they demolished it. And it's just penthouse flats and yet more posh shops again!
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