I devised the angel for last night's class, and made 2 samples, and here's my favourite: kind of a Mollydancing angel
It was a good class; most people made an angel, and everyone who started one managed to finish one... there were some great colour combinations. We had food, and sherry, and the class all signed this card,
which is a copy of a silk painting by Alison, who's done most of the organisation and hard work for the class over the year - she won a design competition, and the card was professionally printed to raise funds for the Oncology Centre at Addenbrooke's - I can't find a link for getting hold of these online...
... and also this, which is brightening the kitchen and helping me pretend it's not actually pitch dark by 4:15pm...Don't think I've ever had a poinsettia of my own before!
The Christmas Tally at the moment:
On the list: still 15 (nil desperandum, and all that)
Cast on: 11
Cast off: 8
Finished: 7
Wrapped/sent: 7
As they say on the Shipping Forecast, 'falling, slowly' ... and the ingredients for the final item arrived today... Back to the needles.
And I've just checked again - the Yarn Harlot's back! We have normality ...
Love the angel - really pretty!
Oh Liz, your angel is beautiful!! I love her color and the flowing gown and just ALL of her!! Wonderful :-)
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