I was intending to go to Ely to knit tonight. I got out of the house a few minutes earlier this morning, bought myself a ticket for the Waterbeach-to-Ely bit my season ticket doesn't cover, went to work (long old day dealing with an external contact rather than doing what I had on my to-do list), left on time, Tube on time, train on time (on the way home - the ones to work have been a bit horrible this week), got to Cambridge, train divides, left Cambridge, got off train.
Unfortunately, I hadn't got to Ely at that point.
I only realised halfway home that actually, I wasn't meant to be going straight home... And shortly after that I realised that I am, actually, a robot. By that time, if I'd turned round and waited 40 minutes for the next train, it would have been well after 8 by the time I arrived at Ely; so I stomped home.
And then I found that I was unable to locate the perfectly good photo I'd taken of last night's socks anywhere on the PC, or on the camera... So I went to hunt for the socks...
Oh well. At the weekend, maybe.

How frustrating. I do things like that - trying to put weird things away in the fridge, etc.
Still on for the 20th? Assuming you remember, that is? ;)
Definitely. I will tape a note to my forehead or something - "Do not allow this woman to leave train before Ely"...
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