When I was in Tesco yesterday, they had extra-strong (and wide-enough-for-US-letter-paper, as it turns out) pocket protectors, and files at three-for-two-quid. So behold, the four coloured files on the right of the "tall" half of the books... "Accessories and Home", "Hands and Feet", "Lace" and "Sweaters and Kids' Knits".

The other half is here, on a shorter shelf...

(I'm saying 'half'. In fact there are another couple of feet of knitting books and magazines upstairs, old Rowan books, 80s Phildar collections I can't bear to throw away, that sort of thing... but this is the presentable bit of the collection...)
And these are the new ones from Christmas. I haven't really had a good look at them yet, but am looking forward to having a very good read.
I did manage to get photos of one of the knitted and both of the crochet items I received for Christmas, but will take pics of the remaining one for tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, I have finished the first sleeve of St Brigid. This is momentous as I think I last knitted on it in 2007. I'm determined to finish this this year... It's not a particularly difficult knit - but it does involve sitting down with a series of charts which don't lend themselves easily to remembering (the large ones, anyway). I turned away to get the camera to photograph this event, and when I got back...

But I shall have my revenge. She was sitting under the daylight lamp (which gives off a welcome shred of heat in the otherwise unheated dining room). As I snapped the shutter for one shot, she stared directly up at the light, and her ridiculously luxuriant neck-ruff startled the camera...

St. Brigid is a thing of beauty and a serious accomplishment - best of luck finishing her up this year! LOVED the exploded kitty...very funny.
you need to contribute that kitty photo to icanhascheezburger! And do keep plugging away at St. Brigid! It's a lovely piece of work!
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