... I thought they couldn't get any more photogenic, I came back in earlier and found this:
This is Amelia Peabody Jarrahkatt, gradually dragging a sock towards herself by the joint powers of Cuteness and Huge Padding Claws. I wrested it from her grasp shortly after this photo was taken. Note the complete lack of interest in the completed sock, which is presumably Out of Play.
Do I presume an Elizabeth Peters fan? In what way is this poor kitten like the redoubtable Amelia?
You do indeed.... and the mere fact she can disguise herself as a 'poor kitten'... She came to us as an Aimee, but her mindless bravery, and ability to rush around bossily, got her a name which was more in keeping with the Victorian house and the company of a Matilda. When we let her out a couple of weeks later, she turned out to be a formidable hunter who can still look demure and relatively shevelled while dragging half a dead mouse through the catflap, and is always the first one into the fray if we have an intruder-cat.
Hello, Nicholas found your blog by accident. I love it. Happy, funny and lots of pretty things. Just thought I'd let you know I was dropping in. Anne.
Hi Anne - lovely to hear from you and sorry I've been a crappy correspondent yet again. I don't know whether I've got a current address for you - can you mail me at liz [at] lizmarley [dot] co [dot] uk ?
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