I haven't got all my photos straight yet - there are about 350 of them - so I think I'll be blogging in snippets for the next few days... Opposite a building I'd travelled across Vienna to see, there was also a guildhall/free trades hall of sorts - I can't find it on the Web, irritatingly, but here's their lovely monogram...

The plaques outside feature various trades being carried out by men in a state of undress... And in the middle - the textile workers! A spinner, some weavers...

But it's good that concern for health and safety was maintained - at least miners got tin hats to help out while they were doing nude hacking and hewing... Which is just as well, as the guy on th left appears to be attempting to bring down the roof...

Hey! We're going to Vienna this summer. Haven't booked yet - I'll be checking here for good ideas!
These plaques are the historical equivelent of the first WI nude calendar, surely?
What strapping specimens. I missed them on my visits...whereabouts are they?
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