Last time you'll see this for a while - I'll carry on taking it every week but I'll only post once a month or so...

I'll carry on posting this - to motivate myself to keep the side clear, plant out the hanging baskets and maybe work out a way to get more colour into the area...
Aaaand here's the AoD shot. Main difference is along the left-hand side border...
You can see the result of the slash-and burn a little better in this shot. Except that of course, In This House we don't burn. We fill the green bin and send it off for compost.
One very large and rather dead honeysuckle and a huge number of last year's angelica stalks removed, while listening to Uncle Tom's Cabin on the Forgotten Classics podcast ... (Anyone want angelica seed later in the year? Would be happy to oblige before I dig it all out!)
Clearing this lot means that I can at least look down into the bottom half of the garden. Want to see?
Yes, if you thought the top half of the garden was bad...
That is, in fact, yes, a greenhouse at the bottom. I know - who'd have guessed... I was even mildly surprised myself and I constructed most of it...
To replace photo 1, I'm going to start taking from another angle, now I can actually stand down by the box-bushes... Not the most focused shot, this first time... the stuff on the right is wildly overgrown box; the stuff in the middle is wildly overgrown ivy...
Some extra photos - the local flora
And, of course, fauna.
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