So, this week's been a strange one - yet another minor re-organisation at work, gales which always keep me awake wondering how much of my rather elderly roof will still be there in the morning, and finally some sort of stomach bug in the early hours - have spent the day knitting, re-reading Gaudy Night after an e-mail conversation about a quote I can't find yet, and doing a bit of dyeing as a modicum of energy returned...

I'm doing a stand at Textiles in Focus again this year, so have started knitting for it - I've been stashbusting with a combination of chunky and novelty yarns:

So the photos above are three scarves - unsurprisingly, a lot of my stash is purple - knitted lengthwise on size 11 Denises - takes about one and a half feature films per scarf. The top one was To Kill a Mockingbird, which is a long film; the middle one was Presumed Innocent (carrying on with the Pakula-fest) and a West Wing episode (because three of the WW cast turned up in PI, as if I ever need an excuse); and this one was more West Wing and A Few Good Men (because they're both Sorkin)... I think the next logical move would be to re-watch The American President and then I can veer off to Apocalypse Now because of the Martin Sheen connection; but actually, I've got Troy out of the library to watch this weekend...
And this scarf, which I love, in 3 balls of Lang Mille Colori - short-rows, learned from Rosie, but worked several times in the same direction before turning... This one's going to be difficult to put on the stand...!

Other knitting is going on - some of it unbloggable, some of it just more-of-the-same - nobody wants to see a picture of St Brigid with 24 more rows done, including me...
Actually, I *do* want to see more of the St Brigid, but that's because it always tickles me to think that you're knitting a garment that is named for a saint in a yarn colour called pagan! And I LOVE what you've done with the short rows, wish I'd thought of that.
That short row scarf pattern is really nifty! Hope you're feeling better by now.
The bug hit me too, last week, also during the night ... most unpleasant ...
Cute scarf!
All those scarf pictures look great! Wonderful colours.
And I snorted about the Cambridge/Paris comparison!
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