Was listening to Brian's moral indignation/dishonesty combo while "resetting" (Applespeak for wiping/reformatting) my iPod Shuffle using this nifty little utility; it's worked so far! First track out - Bruce Springsteen's "Leap of Faith". Pretty accurate...
Thanks to all who sent nupping advice in the comments - that stage is over, and am in the cast-off phase at the moment. And to the Sean Bean Fanclub (Stash Sub-branch)...

Some knitting. Battleship grey International Socks of Doom for a friend whose colour palette in socks is... limited...
And a link: one for Woolly Wormhead's archives - the Telephonic Ovines... these are fantastic. Not least because they get the awkward stroppiness of sheep perfectly.
Love the sheep!
glad to hear that you're getting your music back! Sounds to me as if you need the (alleged) new product from Apple that is being "advertised" in Private Eye this week:
"The iDontwantone
The ultimate in hand-held technology! Now, using the all-in-one device you can take a photo, download songs, play videos, accessthe internet and then with the iPhone you can ring up Apple to complain that none of the above facilities work...." etc. It ends up suggesting that if all else fails you can use it as a brick ("the iBrick facility") and throw it through the window of an Apple store with a hand-written note!
Let me know when you're off to stash again and I'll bring the book...
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