I would say I'll be relishing the silence; but I succumbed to the allure of a special offer on Felix at the village shop, and The Maiden Aunts do not approve. Not at all. There's a deputation in the kitchen. If they were American cats, they'd be walking in a tiny circle with those placards. As it is they're just yelling the equivalent of "Scab!" from the sidelines. They'll eat it eventually.
Some knitting pics. Exhibit A: Caroline-at-work's small daughter was presented with a very nice Italian wool scarf. Seconds after leaving the givers' home, it was the victim of a Horrific Buggy Accident.

You can't really see in this photo - partly because I've made the damage rather worse by starting unravelling - but the edge is pretty much chewed to pieces for 10-12 rows... I'm thinking I need to unravel it at both sides of the damage and attempt to graft it (obviously, I like Caroline; a lot; or I wouldn't be uttering the g-word) . First, I need to understand which stitch it is and why it appears to be made using two strands and from both sides at once. I suspect this is some dastardly machine-knitting trick... I can see myself reknitting the damn thing from scratch, having destroyed it and being unable to re-graft...

Also, I got a huge donation of quinces a couple of weeks ago - despite leaving it a shamefully long time before doing anything with them, I made chutney last night, am about to make more this evening, and will make some jelly tomorrow. Quinces are amazing things. This year I'm going to freeze some so I can put them in stews... The thing surrounding the chutney is the beginnings of a Sherwood, for Fiona. You might see quite a lot of this before Christmas; the other people I'm knitting for seem to read this blog...
Boo! Sorry to hear about frustrating week. *Did* the MAs eat the Felix eventually? Le chat chez caughtknitting will eat their tinned stuff, but then often vomits it back in disgust. She's happier with Felix in sachets but that doesn't do much for either the wallet or the environment! Whiskas is no go. What she usually eats happily is Kit-e-Kat but our local shop has stopped stocking it, so we have to prevail upon a car-owning neighbour who shops at the Tesco superstore (two bus-rides away). What do the MAs prefer?
Assuming that I'm the long-stander, link away!
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