Also in the post, my new pension documentation. I find it difficult to believe in pensions; and even more difficult to care; but work has moved our group scheme to another company, and they have a long-standing ethical option, probably due to their Quaker roots. So if I end up paying a proportion of my salary into something which is going to mean I still die in poverty and get eaten by my cats, I will at least have the comfort of knowing I haven't been shoring up the international arms trade by doing so...
Don't normally do the Saturday Sky thing, unlike Anne and Wye Sue; but today I am, because on Tuesday I finally got fed up enough to make a Heath-Robinson device for washing the kitchen roof, to compensate for my general cowardice on ladders, and this is the view through it...

And yes...

I'm going to be re-knitting most of that scarf... Turns out it's fisherman's rib though, so not too taxing; and the other pompom was eminently rescuable...
1 comment:
Your kind-hearted scarf rescue was at the back of my mind all of yesterday, and I wondered whether it was knitted thus: knit one stitch, slip one all along to end, then work back the other way knitting the slipped stitches? This would account for the two threads? Interesting way of achieving a ribbed scarf, too... Would that be at all helpful in your rescue mission? Dunno - but it's a thought. Good luck!
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