This is despite having to be quite obsessive about keeping my place in the increases while reading 3 cable charts...
And this is purple sleeve #2, from Primrose Path. This is great train and bus knitting - there's a bit of pattern at the bottom of the sleeve and then just 3x2 ribbing for the rest...
So anyway; it was all sleeves, all purple, all the time; so I thought I'd like another project on the go, and I haven't knitted much lace since Christmas - one shoulder-shawl, to be precise. And I love the Aeolian shawl from this time's Knitty (despite it containing my personal nemesis, the nupp). So I dug out the yarn I thought I'd use, and some beads I'd toddled up to Covent Garden to get; and took them out in the garden to photograph; and only at that point did I realise what colour I was intending to use.
(The yarn, by the way, is 2-ply laceweight dyed by Wibbo in a colour she called High Priestess, and was a Christmas present...)
So I stared thoughtfully at my shoes, wondering whether knitting three purple objects simultaneously was insane...
I guess that's my answer then. I'll be casting on later. So I'll be knitting a purple Primrose Path, a Purple St B in a colour called Pagan, and a purple Priestess shawl... the alliteration just kills me.
Go for it, Liz. It is possible that someone might put your knitting in the wash and bleach it anyway and you will end up with grey socks or something.
Jane, looking at her favorite blue socks which are now lavender (thanks, Beloved!)
I love purple, too. And I'm making the aeolian shawl in apricot. The beading is the slow part. I use a same sized double pointed needle doubled with the left hand needle to form nupps; piece of cake!
Nothing wrong with getting yourself prepared for old age :))
How does that poem go - When I am old I shall wear purple.......
I. Love. Purple. Rock the purple, say I!!
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