Additionally, I've discovered that my newly-installed IE8 (which everyone I've whined to about it also hates) doesn't play nicely with Blogger on the matter of photos at all; so I've switched to Firefox for editing. MSFail...
Pic 1, no change really; the limes are getting sticky and unpleasant, but they always do; and I don't have a car to get coated in their rather unpleasant juices and attract wasps, so why should I care?

Pic 3: the main difference - the loss of the huge holly bush - is at the far end of the garden and so unnoticed... you can see a chunk of it on the right-hand side of the patio though most of it is in the green bin...

And no 4: up the garden...

The lilies are preparing to bloom. So far no sign of lily beetles but I'm not holding my breath...
I put in a new edging on the bed under the rose-bush - it's not the straightest edging ever, but it will do the job, and I have another stretch of the same stuff (bamboo sticks fastened together with wire, from Wilkinson's) to carry on the work... I planted some bronze-leaved dahlias (which I have no great hopes of, the snails having feasted on them before they even made it to the flower-bed) and a perennial geranium (which might survive)...

I love your baby tomato and the garden is starting to look great (especially compared to my flower beds!). Thanks for sending Jan to visit me. I miss hearing about her life and stitching. Interview her for me, ok?
Jane, waving from CH where the weather is perfect
A tomato already??? I know we've had some surprisingly warm weather but that's amazing...
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