My SIL and brother's baby, born yesterday at lunchtime (with sharp nails, see photo!), is a boy called Alexander Paul, henceforth to be known as Baby A on this blog - after this report saying that most teenagers are providing way too much information, I have no idea how much everyone will know about this year's generation of babies! Everyone OK, and all fingers and toes counted and so on... yay, and phew!
6lbs though, which is good and healthy, although marginally smaller than the mammoth babies (myself included) of past generations... Which gives me an excuse to knit him something else, as if one were needed. (Yes, indeed, it's another Heartbreakingly Cute Baby Kimono from those Mason-Dixon people; this time with buttons because despite having an enormous quantity of haberdashery round here, it doesn't seem to include ribbon of the correct shade...)
(He's also getting the EZ baby jacket with the rainbow collar shown last week, once I sew the buttons on whichever front boys' buttons go on, and also this hat with tentacles, pattern available gratis thanks to Woolly Wormhead who's knitting, and giving away patterns for, fabulous hats in anticipation of her own baby next year)
Not as cute as the baby, but here's the Bug, helping with the button choice. Well, not really. As far as she's concerned,Sorry. It was only a matter of time before the lolbug made her appearance...
Otherwise it's Monkeys all the way:
Thursday: progress slightly hampered by my first really huffy seat-companion so far. Not only did he feel he needed to take possession of both seats by that sitting-with-his-legs-wide-apart thing, but he was also going to make seriously exasperated pshaw noises all the way home as soon as I pulled out my knitting. As I'd a) already had to fight my way on and off various platforms due to collapse of Victoria Line and b) discovered that if I plug my dead iPod into my government-issue PC to charge it, it does everything bar calling the police and c) lost a beautiful rosewood dpn in the lunch area (I went back on Friday morning but I suspect someone mistook it for a coffee-stirrer or something and had binned it - the cleaning is very good! and thankfully I very rarely use the 5th needle in a set - it was just very sad, as I'd decided this was my most favourite set of dpns, ever...); I just had to be content with the last (half)seat on the train, and try and tune him out by knitting and humming (irritatingly, I hoped) to myself...
Friday: progress assisted by knitting a bit at lunchtime, and deciding to get a marginally later train in favour of picking up some food for the weekend (meaning 20 minutes or so sitting down at King's Cross in addition to the train). First step (so to speak) on Monday morning is turning the heel...