An attempt to distract from the lack of knitting content. A beautiful shawl pin from Chrissy at Scotts Mountain Crafts, my first Etsy purchase - I actually got an even prettier one but that's a present (I don't think the recipient reads this, but better safe than sorry...). The pin is 11.5cm long, as an idea of scale...

And what happens when you bring in 10 large boxes containing exhibition pieces, and take your eye off them for a minute or two. Instant cat furniture. And the house pecking-order is maintained with Tilda getting the taller position as usual...
I have two nearly-finished things - will take pics when they're done.
Shawl pin is gorgeous. Cats are as crafty as their owner...
I like the shawl pin! They're not really cardboard boxes, they're cat magnets. Cute though...
That's an impressive (and large!) pin. Do you have a particular shawl in mind for it to adorn?
I don't think you're getting my texts lately ... either that or you're wilfully ignoring me. Hoping it's the former! ;-) Life is currently an insane journey of ups and downs - certainly not un long fleuve tranquille.
Keep in touch. x
The Pin Arrived!! Yay!! That was fast - thanks again and I hope you and your giftee enjoy them!!!
I can't blame the cat at all - those boxes look kinda comfy to me too!
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