In other footwear news, did the second set of felting on the felt slippers I made with yarn from Stash - and they're looking good. Apart from the heels; which I can't see in wear, but are still annoying me; need to work out how to make them look less crude...

I am currently wearing them until they dry; the only residual problem is that they're a bit high up on my ankles. They'll cut down though because they're very well-felted - I'll do that before I wash them "normally" (I'm assuming that I'll be able to machine-wash them at my usual 30 or so in wear, to clean them and tighten them up somewhat...) I have various bright ideas on how to correct all this stuff now; need to go back to Stash for some more Brown Sheep...
go back to stash?! can i come?
" go back to Stash..." Now where have I heard that phrase before?
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