One Lamb's Pride Worsted - I've heard so much about this yarn and its felting properties - and one Colinette Graffiti. Despite appearances these two are both meant to knit at the same gauge and I'm hoping they'll become a pair of knitted slippers. One Koigu; just because. A Susan Bates knitting gauge/measure/swatching tool, because it's pretty and cheap and lovely. A pack of Bryspun stitch markers because I haven't seen the simple ones that small before...
I was relatively restrained because a) Nathalie assured us they weren't going anywhere b) I'm still gobsmacked by a an incredibly generous delivery of gift yarn I received last week, which I'll blog next and c) I was unable to forget the huge vet's bill I paid last Wednesday at the critical moment! But if I won the lottery I'd open a yarn shop, and the stock would overlap more-or-less-precisely with what Stash stock at the moment...
As I can't upload more than one photo to a post tonight, I'll stop there; rest of the day to follow...
I also re-started the Diamond Fantasy Shawl for the KAL at Sivia Harding's Yahoo group - this will be the third yarn choice, but I think I've found a winner in the Kaalund mohair in Tropical Berries I got for Christmas. Here's the beginning of it:
Purple lace, what a surprise...
The timing of the third attempt isn't coincidental - yesterday morning, a sheep arrived. (No, not that sheep, actually a Folkmanis lamb puppet). I won him in the draw attached to the KAL, which was both exciting and mortifying - exciting because I don't win things in prize draws, and mortifying because I still had the previous unsuccessful swatch on the needles... Anyway, here's the lamb - Blogger won't let me upload the image for some reason... He looks a stubborn little chap (I'm calling him Stackhouse), and has made a home for himself on the flyer of my spinning wheel. Thanks very much to Melissa, who donated him. And, to even things up slightly on the scales of cosmic postal justice, he arrived from the US in five days despite the package being clearly marked SURFACE. It's good to know it happens the other way round occasionally...
and started making the Mamluke Socks from Folk Socks, using the Lorna's Laces Rainbow from Leah, and some black Cygnet. I think they're looking good so far...
According to the directions you need a 245yd skein of each yarn - I have 215yds of the Rainbow so I reckon that'll work - if not I'll do plain toes. Was going to spend a long time thinking of something suitably Washington-like to do with them - and then was flicking through this book again this morning, and fell for the pattern all over again. It was only the 3rd time I looked through the directions that I realised the original sock is from the collection of the Textile Museum in DC so it's just about perfect.