But otherwise it's been a lucky couple of days here... Sorry, blackbird.
First, Lorna's cardigan - I found these translucent buttons after a bit of a hunt - in my jewellery box. Of course. Where else. Why would I have a nice big button tin and actually put buttons I buy in there? I think these came from La Droguerie several years ago (before the advent of the current button tin) and were presumably lost before their intended sweater came into being... or I just bought them because they looked like sweeties.
Anyway, they turned up, and they're sewn on, and I just have to wrap the cardigan and get it into the post tomorrow with a suitable card...
The second found object(s) - these gorgeous stitch markers I bought from Lixie on eBay last autumn, and then promptly lost before I could decide whether to give them to someone for Christmas or whether to keep them. Decision made, I think. Ahem; and yay.
And then today, I got two presents! First one comes from Leah, who went across the Atlantic to to her brother's wedding in Georgetown on Saturday, visited StitchDC and brought back Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock, colour (yes!) Rainbow.The circularity of this pleases me so much - I make Lorna a rainbow cardigan; Leah gives me Lorna's Laces rainbow... Somebody needs to do something rainbowy and Lorna-related for Leah now... She also brought back some wonderful tape-type-braid-type felty Noro for herself which I can't currently trace on the Web... I'll ask her for the details tomorrow because it's extremely pretty... So I need to find a toning plain coloured yarn for this; and make suitably Washingtonian socks...
All I had to give in return was a Republicans for Voldemort bumper sticker, the third Found Object from the weekend. One of these days I'll actually tidy up properly, and if this streak continues, will find the Missing Link, the Grand Unified Theory, the Ark of the Covenant and a palatable recipe for okra (although I'm not holding out for the last one).
And the second woolly gift: 300g of fine wool yarn from Zeena, who comes along to my Wednesday night class at Fulbourn. It's crewel wool, but not pre-cut, so it's in lovely skeins. Not wildly visually exciting yet (unless beige-intestines-in-a-bag is your thing, in which case I really don't want to know; Blogger evidently agrees with me as three attempts to upload a photo have proved futile) but it'll dye and felt beautifully and there are hundreds and hundreds of metres of it...
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