We talked (mostly) about East Lynne by Mrs Henry Wood/Ellen Wood. (Mrs Henry seems to have reclaimed her first name in some editions). The cover picture just about says it all. It's a fine piece of melodrama. Many bits don't add up. Many bits are just completely implausible. But we still all just-about-finished... Verdict was sort of EastLynneEnders...
The Oxford edition seems to be the currently fashionable one. In which case, do - I beseech you - put some sort of covering over the blurb on the back; the "starting" event mentioned there happens approximately half-way through the book and has very little foreshadowing.
Anyone in the London area who'd like to join us on the first Tuesday of the month?
ah yes,'dead, dead and never called me mother'. I think the main problem is that modern readers will have rather more sympathy with Isobel and rather less with Barbara. Autre temps, autre moeurs.