Sunday, August 17, 2008

Past the halfway point...

Despite the last post, my Olympics projects are going ahead and are both more than half complete. I had a really good bash at the Mystic Meadows stole today and did two and a half charts, so that's 9 of the 16 done. Here's a bit of the detail:

and here's what there is of the stole stretched out on the table...

Hypoteneuse is also going really nicely - 10.5 repeats down...

And a recent FO I haven't posted before, but have just wrapped up to pass on to my boss, who's off on maternity leave in the next week or two; this is a Shetland shawl, worked edging-first, and then stitches picked up all round and worked into the centre, with the centre square worked last, lacing up stitches from the sides as it goes and finishing with a three-needle bind-off. I used all sorts of small balls of sock yarn in the border and it was delightful to knit. I need to work up another pile of odds and ends and make one for me - maybe with black where the beige is on this one... This attracted so many favourable comments on the train because of the colours!

1 comment:

  1. The shetland shawl is really beautiful!!! You definitely need to make one for yourself :)
