Thursday, May 10, 2007

Washing Day

On Tuesday I tackled the fleece. I got some good advice from Isabella on this - the course I did yearsandyears ago emphasised spinning 'in the grease' but most of the spinners I've met since then recommend washing the stuff beforehand... When I tipped it out of the bag and separated out the really mucky stuff before reading her instructions again, I looked up from the PC and saw this:

which looked disturbingly as if a pair of shaggy dogs had come to stay... After a couple of soakings in hot water and a gentle rinse, the colour went from mostly-brown to a lovely greyish-brown and white combination. This is the best picture I have...
Because of the weather, I tied the batches of fleece loosely up in some white tulle I had from feltmaking and gave them a spin in the washing machine which meant they were three-quarters dry by the time they got out into the garden...
One of the tulle packages ended up on the table overnight... which made a certain cat very happy.
I still have about half the bag to do, but will try spinning some of this up at the weekend first.
But for real spinning inspiration look over at Anne's blog for her handspun knitted bag, which she brought to KTog on Tuesday!


  1. Forget the fleece, I have a serious attack of kitchen envy! ;)


  2. Aha - this is why my fleece takes ages to dry - I need a cat!
    I've got kitchen envy too...
