Here's the lace detail shot - it's lovely lace to work because there are no complicated stitches to work at all. The only temptation is to put in extra yarn-overs in either side of central stitches; but you can get away with dropping those discreetly once you've realised what you've done, and they come out in the blocking...
As I was heading back into the house, having taken the obligatory 'draped-over-a-bush' shot for the Photos section of the Yahoo files (if I get brave on Tuesday night and the weather's OK, I'll persuade someone to take a pic of me actually wearing the thing at the Cambridge KTog - it's really that nice...) I spotted the Tranquil Face, which is currently bereft of plants, and thought 'why not'...
Otherwise, it's all been a bit weird. Matilda (aka Tild, aka Pig, aka Unwonted-Attention-to-Visitors-up-to-and-including-Trouser-Ruination-Cat) had a fairly major operation on Monday (Medically: middle ear and bulla removal, half her head shaved, uncounted numbers of stitches, polyp sent off to the lab. Financially: think of the French Lieutenant's Woman's cloak. Now think of it knitted in Koigu. Yes.) so I have the Continuing Fun of Antibiotics followed by the frisson of keeping her indoors while allowing the other (pedigree-but-feral) cat some sort of a life. It's not working, folks. But hey. The litter tray has turned into some kind of conquest zone - although small cat doesn't have to use it, she does it to mark territory, and then we're off to the races...
Hope Matilda's on the mend, can't wait to see the shawl on Tuesday!
The Shawl looks lovely Liz. I must get a bit more of mine done. Hope Matilda gets better soon.
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