Thanks, Hazel!
Ten years ago
In the first lot of doing-up-the house; getting used to being married and living in a village; working in the same company I'm in now but doing a different job...
Five years ago
Finishing the first stage of embroidery City and Guilds; finishing the house renovations and enjoying having a Real Kitchen.
One year ago
Adjusting to living as a single person again (ongoing...); joining UKHK and marvelling at What Was Out There; teaching evening classes.
Five yummy things
Confit of duck; dessert wine; Heron Farm's pork and sausages; home-grown tomatoes; a can of Coke drunk very quickly after a truly evil meeting.
Five songs I know by heart
Country Life by Show of Hands; Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen; Rat Trap (and more or less everything else) by the Boomtown Rats; Love Minus Zero/No Limit by Bob Dylan; The Queen and the Soldier by Suzanne Vega.
Five things I would do with a LOT of money
Pay off my mortgage and that of anyone I know; Put enough aside to make sure my parents are OK in whatever circumstances; Open a savings account and put enough in it to cope with everyday emergencies like the roof blowing off; Buy a flat in a small city in France; Find a good charity for the rest.(if I've assured the above, anything else is Up to Me. Catholic sense of guilt/responsibility? Moi? Surely not)
Five places I would love to escape to
Someone else's head, just to see what it's like... otherwise... Flat in small city in France; Cottage on the beach in Northumbria/Norfolk; Serious Penthouse Flat in London; Friends' ranch near Dallas
Five things I would never wear
Anything made of an animal I wouldn't eat; Anything made by a company I distrust; Boob-tube; 4" heels; Digital-display watch (it'd just take me too long...)
Five favorite TV-shows
Don't have a TV; but based on ancient memory, DVD and watching other people's occasionally...
The West Wing (complete obsession at the moment but have only got to end of series 2 on DVD; I'm in the queue for series 3 from the library); Hill Street Blues; Inspector Morse; Messiah (have only seen The Harrowing); Blackadder
Five things I enjoy doing
Knitting; Hardanger embroidery; Being obsessively picky about spelling and grammar; Cooking when others are around to eat it; Sitting in pubs ranting with friends
Favorite toys
iPod shuffle; Nikon Coolpix 5600 camera; Swallow casein needles; Clover forked blocking pins; Raleigh Carlton Dutch town bike
Five people who get this meme
I'm just too new to this; anyone who reads this, please pick it up if you'd like??
Liz, Sorry to do that to you but thanks for doing the meme. Pay off the mortgage of anyone you know? Would that include people you know in cyberspace? If so, let me know when you get the big bucks and I'll let you have all the details! ;-)