Friday, November 06, 2015

It's beginning to look a lot like...

.... no, it's OK. I'm not going to say it.

But preparation for the End of Year Holiday is underway at casa Greenside.  This is part of last year's production


and although I only have one child to knit for this year, I still have something of a heap of things to make. Not least because I have gently introduced my brother to the Way of the Hand-knit Sock, via making them for his wife who has toasty feet while he complains about his cold toes.  Bwahahaha.

So, Friday nights this month, to give me an incentive for weekend production, here are the votes from the Latvian jury figures.  I include a semi-niece's birthday, and caughtknitting's birthday in the Christmas figures, and this year there's a baby due near Christmas (You Know Who You Are, pregnant lady!) ...

Total items 15
Kitted up 11
Started 10
Cast off or equivalent 6
Blocked/otherwise finished and labelled 5
Already with recipient 2

Let's see where we are next week.

Now, although it's only 8:45pm and I've only been in for an hour, I'm off to bed with knitting, books and my phone/Bluetooth speaker as I've just been told there's a Charles Paris I've missed on Radio 4. Bill Nighy, mmm.